January 11th 2010
Date: 01/11/10
Stress Level: Not so bad for a grocery shopping day
New Grey hairs added: 3
Today was grocery day and I should have went last Friday
but since I was alone with Rowan again I was a bad bad girl
and just ate carry out all weekend long. Bought myself
a pizza and chowed Friday and Saturday on that and
then Sunday I went to Arby's. No dishes, no mess, no
stress and once I got past the guilt it was pretty good too!
But today Andrew was back and I needed to feed him and
had to hit the store or spend a small fortune on carry out for
he can really eat! Grocery store it is for tomorrow I have a
doctors apt and I never like going to a store after there! Normally
you guys know me, I am Mario Andriette at the store, can not
stand dawdlers and hate the place in general and half the
time end up with a big old panic attack before I am through.
This time I had Rowan so not only did I have to slow down and
knew that before hand I had to pay attention to her too. I
kinda liked it going slow, I was less stressed that is for sure.
There was not any roses to smell but I did sample some cheeses.
I did get a little perturbed at the end though, for I only shop
big once a month for I hate it on the whole and my total is
around 350 to 400 bucks then I just need milk and bread the
rest of the month. Not too bad for 4 people and sometimes five
with Rachel. I make it. Well today I didn't have as much for John
has been gone a lot and thought it was going good and my total
was 340.00. I can live with that, but the guy goes and tells me
he was sure I would hit 600 dollars for he has never seen so much
food. Made me feel like I pig or something and I start blammering
how it is for the month and yada yada yada. I don't know why I
feel obligated to tell people my life or explain the details I just
end up coming off as more of a nut. UGH!
Any who I get home and was pretty excited for Rowan has
just started to enjoy bath time and is now splashing and
laughing and having a blast and I wanted to make it even
more fun for her so I bought her some new bath toys. To
now she has only had a few floating Jobie's that squirt water
so I got her some more floating things and this Winnie The Pooh
Bubble blower thing. It has a motor and blows the bubbles out
of Poohs Honey Pot. I thought she would love it for she loves
her bubbles in the tub. I get her in there and I am super excited,
and she is having fun and loves the new floating guys ( Sassy
Toys, told you I love them) and I am ready to unveil and get her
attention and turn it on!
"Um, Baby. Look at the bubbles!" I screamed trying to
get a smile.
"Um, Baby! Bubbles!' I sang as I batted them around.
"Baby, Mommy got you bubbles. Let's play with the bubbles!"
Blink. Crickets....................................................
I didn't know to laugh or cry. I turned it off and she went
right back to playing and having a blast. I turned it on again.
She wasn't afraid of it. She just didn't know what to think
of it and I swear to the sky above that I felt like the Titanic
just sunk in that bath tub along with my hurt feelings. Darn
little girl. All I wanted was to help her have a better time and
I didn't even come close. Pfftttttttt. I feel like a putz!
Well that was my day, what about you!!
Moral of the Day: They will like the box more then
the toy every time!
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