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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

braelyn bounty bug Review and Giveaway!  

Pregnancy is such a crazy time. It is also one that
is different for everyone. Heck, it is different for one
person from one pregnancy to the next. Mom's on their
second child or more maybe calmer then a Mom who
just found out they are having their first but it does not
change the fact there are going to be bumps in both of
their roads they were not prepared for. There is no
such thing as by the book when it comes to having
babies. I will tell you one thing. when I was pregnant
with Andrew I bought a zillion and one books. Maybe
even a couple of more then that. I was determined
to know every single thing that was going to happen
and in what order and for how long. The only thing
those books did for me was by the time I was mid-
way through my second semester I was convinced
Andrew would be born with no brain stem, a club
foot, spinal something or other and not speak to
he was 32. Somewhere in the book ( and it is a
popular one too) there was a guide that actually
broke down the odds for parents on how likely it
was for your child to have such illnesses and defects.
It really doesn't sound all that bad when someone
like a doctor says there is 1 and 4216 percent
chance your child could be born with...........!
He is only filling your head with one set of odds.
Now when you have a fast moving mind like I do,
and tend to over react, um, like I have been told
I can, though I don't believe it, you will look at those
odds and start to think. Wait, correct that, you will
look at that long list of odds and start figuring out
what the odds are he will have more then one of them.
When there are a thousand things that can go wrong
the odds are no longer 1 in something, they are 1000 in
something. At least that is how is saw it and by my
math Andrew was destined to have at least 4 of them.
He didn't, not one, but when I found out I was pregnant
with Rowan I went and got another copy of the book
and that section was gone. I am pretty sure after
millions of other first time moms started freaking out
the pulled that chapter. The odds of something happening
are really quiet low and they just worded that all wrong
and pretty stupid too I might add. Anyway, I get off
topic, the only thing you can be certain of in a pregnancy
is you will never be prepared for everything. It is flat
out imposable.

Now just because you can't cover ever contingency
does not mean you should throw in the towel. You can't,
you are in this for the long haul so you need to hold on and
enjoy the ride. There are things you can do to cushion the
trip though. Be organized, pamper yourself and ask as
many questions as you can think of to anyone with any
insight on children at all. When you gather all those answers
toss them all away. People are going to offer you advice
by the truck load so MY ADVICE is to ask first and get it
out of the way so they don't drive you nuts later.They will!
When you are 13 weeks pregnant and starting to feel better
ask them as many as you can and drive them nuts so they
will fear bringing it up later when you are really uncomfortable
and not in the mood. See, you can plan ahead. Another good
idea is to keep a journal, jot down stuff you are wondering
about to ask you doctor, that really cool name that hits
you at 3 am after pizza, egg salad and pickles dipped in
ranch dressing for trust me if you don't write down that
stroke of genius you will never remember it when you come
off your carbohydrate high. When you see a nursery idea, pen
it. So many things go through a pregnant mind you need to
keep them straight! The last thing, a Planner! Like I told you,
when it is important, you will forget so when you are trucking
along use a planner. That way you will know what you are
taking with you for the special day, remember to bring baby
clothes and hello JOHN, just because I wore slippers into
the Hospital does not mean my feet will be that big on the way
out and you can not take out my shoes and put in a cross word
Ahem, Sorry.
Items for your self to wear home. Questions for a pediatrician.
Phone numbers and a Nursery checklist. These are all things
you need to have straight. Now you will get handy little guides
that have some of that stuff in them from the Doctors office.
In fact on every visit they will shower you will bags of samples
and guides and books. The Magazines are fine, chuck the guides
they come from people that make baby items and want you
to buy theirs so they only are filled with tips and hints that
point you in their direction. Get a Planner that is impartial and
not out to promote baby formula 342 the super food! I had
a chance to review a planner not long ago and thought it
was fantastic and wanted to share it with you. The Store that
sells them is called Braelyn Bounty Bug. They specialize in
making sure you remember what is important in one of the
most important times in your life. It is a wonderful way to
organize your thoughts, your needs and you babies impending
arrival. In fact it handles every little feature of your pregnancy
and Baby's arrival with places to store information such as:

•12-month undated calendar

•Pages to hold critical information such as OBGYN/Midwife
contact information, hospital information, insurance information,
pharmacy information, test results, questions for the physician
and a chart to assist in keeping track of monthly progress

•Interview questions for potential pediatricians

•The ultimate nursery checklist to assist with registering for
baby showers and keeping track of what items have been
fulfilled and what hasn’t

•An essential "acts of kindness" and gift log

•A unique checklist of things to do before baby arrives

•An area for the birth plan

•A hospital packing list for Mom, Dad and Baby

•Family and friends call list

•Post delivery checklist

•Space for postpartum visit questions

•A handy pocket for paperwork

•Coated and sturdy tabs that make the desired pages readily

•Easily interchangeable pages... and much more

•Dimensions: 7.5" x 9"

All packaged in an durable binder with choice of cover
design. If I were to go over the list of items it features and
tell you what I actually did myself it would be most of them.
If I told you how many I actually had with me when I needed
them the answer would be only a couple. I had my stuff stashed
in different little books and a post it notes everywhere and
either lost most of it or just plain forgot to grab it for it was
a pain to dig for and I was preoccupied. Now I knew in advance
when Rowan was going to be born so imagine how scattered
I would have been if she had be born Ala natural. This little
ditty keeps it on in one place and I could have had it on the
table by the door for easy retrieval. Ah, hindsight, isn't it
grand? One of the things I really loved about Braelyn
Bounty Bug is the fact it is not only easy to use and fits
perfectly in your purse ( I would give anything to have an
organized purse) it also allows for you to add and remove
items at your whim and rearrange locations. I have a big
issue with changing my mind and this is so made for people
like me!

Braelyn Bounty Bug doesn't just stop helping you after
the birth of you little Muffin though, they also have a great
little check list to attached to your Diaper Bag called a
Tot Tag. It let's you know all the essential items you should
have and is a quick hassle free way to go over them and
make sure it is included. This is totally perfect for when
Dad's are on the go or a new sitter is taking Baby to the
park! These also come in some really adorable designs
meant to fit any theme! So if you need help keeping you
pregnancy in order and thoughts in a safe place or Baby is
here and you have a crazy busy life like all Mom's do
and don't have time to tell your Husband for the 302 time
what should be in the Diaper Bag, Braelyn Bounty Bug has
the perfect item for you! If I could only rewind time I would
have one glued to my side but the Tot Tag is really coming
in handy now!

The Great People over at Braelyn Bounty Bug want
to make life a little more easy for one of my readers too!
They are going to give one of them a Planner and a Tot
Tag to get them off to a spectacular start. These would also
make a perfect shower gift! To enter head over to the site
and take a look around then come back here and post what
you saw in a comment. The contest will start tonight and
run to Midnight on March 12th.
USA and 18 and older can enter daily and the winner
will be contacted by email and have 72 hours to
contact me with their mailing information. As always
you can earn a bonus entry by entering the contest of
the day and other ways to enter are posted below.

Braelyn Bounty Bug

Extra entries.
Extra entries only count after the initial entry
is completed.

1. Become a follower of my blog or
post that you are. 3 entries,
please post 3 times.

2. Enter any of my other contest. I entry
per contest, separate post for each entry.

3. Grab my button. 5 entries. Please post
5 times.

4. Blog about this contest somewhere else
and post the link here. 5 Entries Please
post five times.

Hey there, while you are here don't forget to enter
my Pepper and Tanky and Bebe Soleil contests!

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38 comments: to “ braelyn bounty bug Review and Giveaway!

Picture I used on cards

Picture I used on cards
Rowan with soap hair