Wednesday, February 3, 2010
bECO review!
Rowan loves to go for a walk! Even amidst her teething
and the cold she has been suffering through she still perks
up whenever you get her outdoor gear ready. It is a little bit
chilly here in our fair state of Antartic,er, I mean Michigan but
sometimes that little girl is crying so hard or yanking at her
little ear and rubbing her jaw to the point of turning it red
that half of the day will go by without her being able to take
a nap or even give a hint of a crack of a smile. We feel so
bad for that little Baby baby but other then some Tylenol
there really isn't anything we can do for her. I have teething
tablets and teething rings and an whole assortment of items
in the freezer to all designed with the purpose of comforting
in her in mind and talk about throwing gas on a fire for all
it does is remind her she is in pain in the first place and
the screams just get louder. There is not a thing sadder to
me on this planet, or any parents I am sure, then to listen
to the cries of a child suffering. With RA in my spin and
the problems and pain I face there I can sympathize with
her and have often let my mind wander and have even
been on the edge with thoughts of giving her old fashion
remedies such as Whiskey on her gums. Now I know in
my head that is not helping her, just knocking her out
but I feel so desperate to see her calm and miss her
I found out about the walks by accident for one
really bad day for I had to go to an appointment and
had no choice but to take her and it just about broke
my heart to know her desperate wails would only get
louder once she was out of the comfort of her house
and she despises being in the car seat for Rowan is
such a busy little girl she has to see what is going on
at all times and the car seat limits her view to just
about nothing and worse yet, straps her in so she can't
even have the illusion of thinking she can work her
way to freedom. So now I was going to take a suffering
child and put her in his most detested position and
felt like such a failure as a parent for not being able
to help her, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to cancel
again but I had already canceled three times and John
was not here then so I had no choice. Even worse we
all know when a child cries they get all stuffed up and
can't breath after a while and when that child already
has a cold.................well let's just say I was suffering
almost as much as her. Now I am also a super Dunce
and had left her car seat out in the car and now had to
carry her out there and strap her in and couldn't even
get her all situated in the car seat first. UGH! Poor
little thing. I got all her gear on her as she screamed
the whole way and diaper bag and purse and shoved
as many teething rings and frozen items in there as
I could find and even double downed her with "No Throws
for one had a bottle and the other a teething ring for
I knew once we got moving I would no longer be able
to comfort her. I snatched her and with lots of kisses
and comforting words stepped out into the cold air.
The screaming baby stopped crying.
Okay, she is stunned by the cold. I took a look at her
and saw she is engrossed in the outdoors and looking
around intently through little swollen eyes. Hummmm..........
She was quiet the whole way to the car and almost
made it through the trip before she realized she was
unhappy and resumed her wails. Through the whole wait
and appointment she screamed and then once again
as soon as we got out side: Silence. Hummmmmmm
again. Again we made it almost all the way where we
were going before the screams resumed. When we got
home instead of going into the house I just dropped off
the diaper bag and took her for a walk through the condo
complex. Again silence. I walked her about 20 minutes
before my back gave me some warning pangs and was
so thankful that was enough for it allowed her the chance
to relax enough and when I brought her in she was soon
fast asleep. Later that day when she woke it wasn't long
before she started to fuss and soon the waterworks were
back in force. Another walk, Quiet. I could not believe
with all the medicinal items I had bought and the load
upon loads of teething items that cost a small fortune
all that is took to offer that little girl some much needed
relief was something she loved to distract her. Okay, Duh,
got it, I now have an answer and I should hang my head
in shame I had not found it a few weeks sooner and saved
her a lot of pain. We went out about five times that day
and each and every time Rowan was so engrossed in
the scenery she forgot her tender gums and for the first
night since I can remember she got some much needed
rest without tossing and turning and waking up crying.
The next morning my back was the one screaming
and throwing a fit and when Rowan started her little
hissy up again I almost wanted to join her.I knew I
could not carry her around all day again so I drug out
the stroller and thought she might like that.
No Dice! Again she was too far back like the car
seat and could not see enough and spent most of
the time struggling to get out and get a better view and
just ended up crying all the harder knowing she
couldn't. I started tossing things out of the closet like
a mad woman looking for her carrier. I found the accident
one I had stashed for with only a few months of Summer
before the cold weather set in I didn't yet purchase her
a new one and a Doo Dad I have had for eons would
have to do. Toss the baby in and ( a lot of added Bengay)
and was out the door and once again was rewarded with
the blissful sounds of silence. She could have cared
less that she was flopping around like a wet noodle
for this carrier was so old it was built before people
started taking things like Babies and Mommies
comfort into consideration and was pretty much a frame
with a seat you just tossed her in and could also only
be worn facing the front so all her weight was pulling
on my shoulders. Still, it was more comfortable then
just carrying her and though it didn't make my back feel
like singing like Julie Andrews, it also didn't have me
humming the death march so I would live.I decided on
the spot I was just going to have to find a carrier that
would have me whistling a happy tune for I know a
lot of advancements have been made since the days
I toted Andrew around in this Brontosaurus model.
That evening I sat down at the computer after she
dozed off and brought up my old friend Google and
typed in Baby Carrier.
49 pages.
Let me repeat that.
49 pages of baby carriers. When Andrew was a baby I
think my choices were red and black.
49 pages. How do I know what one is best for me and
how am I ever going to whittle down that monstrous
selection to a more manageable list. I went to a few forums
I belong too and a couple of Mothers groups and also
some local resources for Mom's I belong to and started
to ask around. A lot of times I got more questions then
answers for according to them I am supposed to be the
answer lady and not a whole lot of help. There were a few
people that told me about theirs and I started to grow a
list but it was a slow and steady road. Every day I would
suffer through my Smithsonian Carrier and every night
I would research the latest ones I had heard about during
my research. One name kept coming up over and over
again though, bECO and I was pretty sure I had not heard
of them when Andrew was little for I checked out their
site and their selection was more then just red and black.
I moved them to the top of the list and made a point to
ask people about them. I also sent a letter off to them
and a couple of others that had been mentioned more
then once but did not bank on that I was only asking these
people for more information and I had already been
researching carriers a few days and I don't think my
back could take much more of Rowan and I's repeated
treks to the wildness of the Detroit suburbs but for her
comfort I kept trudging along. I wanted to rush right out
and buy one but my research had me even more confused
for I learned some carriers are for Baby when little only,
some are for Baby Big only, some you wear in front, some
the back. Okay now, take something I am already confused
about and add a zillion more details to compound the
problem and make me more confused. My head was going
to explode I just knew it. I jotted those questions down
and went to bed for my vision was already blurry from
just going over the list of available carriers on the market.
Did I tell you there were 49 pages of carriers?
The next morning I got up and as Rowan smeared Oat
meal on her face I grabbed a cup of Coffee and checked
my emails. There was already an email from bECO.
That was fast.
They had answers to a lot of my questions and I was
relieved a sales pitch didn't come with it. The person
answered them in an unbiased way and gave me "just
the facts, Mam" and I can now at least say I am fully
informed on the different variety's and styles and I
am no longer confused on that count. I also have to say
they were fabulous in the customer service department
for we shot about 10 emails back and forth and yeah, I
know I ramble, isn't that why I Blog? and I can be a pain
with my questions and not once did they loose their
patience or refer me to a FAQ guide somewhere or
get even the slightest bit testy even though we all
know Michelle has more then one blond moment and
can be as big as handful as Rowan sometimes and
a total pain in the you know where! They never even
questioned why I needed the information and I even
did pretty good without telling them the life story of
the blog I usually ramble on about until the persons
brain turns to mush from my exaggerated details
and long winded tangents. Towards then end I felt
I have to tell them ( see, I did good, I have a blog is
usually the second thing I tell a person when I meet
them) and they were very kind about that and said they
would be happy to pass my information to someone
in a department that handles reviews and such and
I thought sure, then rolled my Internet eyes for please,
I have heard that before. After lunch I walked Rowan
and put her down for a nap and again hit the emails.
Another person from bECO had sent me one.
Eh, Déjà vu here. Wow, they were fast. I had
yet to hear anything from any of the other manufactures
and as it stands at that moment I was pretty confidant
bECO put the service in customer service. I don't care
if they were selling a product that was only good for
doubling the amount of earwax you have their customer
service was so spectacular I would have bought it for
that reason alone. This person was even nicer then the
last, if that was all passable and said he would be happy
to send me an item to review and explain their line
more fully and answer any questions I could come up
with. I was pretty close to climbing up on that hill with
Julie Andrews about now but had yet to even see the
carrier. Then he said once I got it he would also be glad
to answer any questions I might have. Now there I laughed
out loud for I almost felt bad for the guy for he really
doesn't know me and 7,000 questions could go by without
me even making a dent in my list. We set something up
and I figured I had a couple of week wait and could not
wait that long with Rowan and my back so I kept up
with my research. Besides, I told you guys I would give
you all the facts, not just one set. I sent some more
letters and took a break for it was Friday night and
Michelle needed one. I did however, spend some time
on Saturday and again on Sunday checking out a
couple of carriers my friends had and I will tell you
about them more later but let's just say they were
nothing to call Mom about and my back was still
pretty cramped up come the following morning and
Julie Andrews was talking retirement for a moment
Monday Morning came and the weekend was pretty
much a blur of me walking Rowan who's second tooth
is ready to break through any day now and rubbing on
Bengay. Mail was early and I hobbled out to grab it and
the stack of boxes that was there and about 3 boxes into
it was the bECO carrier. Um, wow. Wait, that didn't get as
much enthusiasm as it deserved, UM, WOW!!!!!! A we had
Friday where I spoke to them. Saturday. Sunday and no
mail and first thing Monday morning they were there.
WOW! I opened the box and giggled for this was such an
adorable design. I mean I had seen their styles on the site
and was impressed but you never really get the feel for
something until you see it in person. Their pattern designs
are sort of those universal boy/girl designs that are
bright and whimsical and colorful and just make you
smile when you see them. Something you would associate
happy thoughts with. I can't answer for a Baby but it
was cute enough to put a smile on my face just looking
at it and if someone were tossing me in it for a walk
I would be giddy with the fashion statement it made alone.
I was also eager to read the brochure and see what size
it was and how long I could use it before I had to buy
a bigger one and also if it was a front design or back
design for though I got all those answers from bECO
about what carriers offer now a days and what the
different styles were I was so happy a real person
was helping we with my quest I forgot to ask what kind
were theirs? Digging in the box a DVD popped out. Now
there was an instruction book there too but a video?
How cool is that?
I know any of you guys with children know what a
pain in the butt it is to read instructions for something
when you have an Infant or Toddler wanting to use it
now. Worse yet, something like a car seat and its 5 point
safety UHG! belts were you are trying to get JR in it and
read a book at the same time and you are getting frustrated
and they are grabbing the book and you need it back
and then they cry and then YOU cry and every ones in
tears and you still don't know how to hook it up. Well
these guys must have kids for the DVD is a complete
set of instructions that you can watch as you are tucking
JR in and let them eat the book. You don't really need it
anyway! They were just kind enough to cover all your
bases. Now I set that aside for I wanted those details
I told you about and they already had two plus's on the good
side and I didn't want to see just how hard it would be
to get her in just yet for the old one is like an Iron
Maiden and a pain in the butt. I was pretty shocked
when I found my details. Lemme' share.
1. newborn to toddler, 7-45 lbs. Ah, that means I will not
need another one for this will last Rowan to she is too
old to carry. Rachel is 12 and 50 pounds and I really
doubt she wants us to cart her in a carrier so if Rowan
grows the same way I think we are good there!
2. front and back carry. Ah, again. Only need one. I don't
have to worry if she likes to ride on the back or front
for they have both options covered there too! I can also
find out what one is better for my back without dropping
a wad of cash with different models for this "IS" different
models all rolled into one!
3. easy On and OFF features. THANK GOD! I am so easily
frustrated and Rowan is such a wiggler that getting her in
her Jammie's is often about as much as I can handle.
4. high quality tested materials. Will they pass the Michelle
Test. Well, stage one they blew through for I have pulled,
yanked and did everything but tap dance on this. I will
get back to you about how well it holds up in the wash
for right now I just can't stop using it long enough to wash!
5. machine washable. I am laughing to the point of tears
here for don't I tell you guys I wash everything, if
it is supposed to be washed or not for the simple fact
in real life at my house it will end up there sooner or
later and I like to know right away and get it over with..
Here they just made it for people like me at the start
and I don't have to worry!
It also has a lot of neat features that make it an
even better value then it already was. As if they could!
Well I guess they could for they did! They give you an
infant insert to make sure when Baby is little they
are all snug and comfy. Safety Buckles to make sure
Miss Houdini doesn't make a break for it or I lean too
far one way and she goes plop! A fold down head support.
Hey, I wish I had such comfort! You can even remove the
head rest. This neat little inside panel that makes it
really easy to transfer baby to another person. Now that
is neat. If I had another I could switch back from John
and I without missing a beat! A storage sleeve for stuff
all us Moms and Dads need on those walks! AND the
items I saved for last. The ones that are super important
for me. Wide padded Shoulder Straps so the pull of her
weight doesn't drag down on me and irritate my back
more then it already is and a Wide Padded Waist Belt
for Lumbar Support. These are super important for
even though my back does not hurt as bad with the
carrier I am using now in comparison to just holding
her it still aches a lot in the morning. Also, you guys
would think my minor aches ARE really bad for my
back hurts 24-7 and gets worse every year and I have
just grown used to it. It would have only been a few more
weeks before I would have has to stop using the carrier
for the strain was getting a little worse each day. I normally
wake up uncomfortable and on a scale of 1-10 my pain
level is around a 4 for I sleep with a Patch that releases
medicine into my spine all night long and since Rowan
and my walks I have been waking up at a 7 or 8. The day
I just carried her I woke up at a 10 the next morning and
had to take a hot shower, Bengay, medication and a heating
pad to just make it down the stairs. It was not pleasant but
that is one of the reasons I was over excited when I saw the
Shoulder Pads and Lumbar Support. With my Rheumatoid
Arthritis being as advanced as it is I can have a pretty
rocky road if I do not pay attention to those details. I
was just crossing my fingers that it would work.
Now I got this yesterday first thing in the morning and
have taken Rowan on 6 walks. One for quiet a ways too.
Rowan and the Pooch love product tests like that for
they get the perks and I get the work! I did not lather up
with extra Bengay or sleep on the heating pad like
I have been since I started our walks for I really wanted
to know how good the support was.
I have been up for a few hours now but let me tell you
when I first woke up.............well, let me put it to
you this way!
The Hills are Alive with Music!!!!!!!!!!
And folks, Julie Andrews has not left the building
because I still feel great and if their support can
help a person like me I know it can keep people
without issues in tip top shape. Every single thing
about the bECO carrier was perfect and I just love
the thing and best of all the perks for me. Yeah, yeah,
there is that long list of goodies that come standard
with their Butterfly but let's talk about me right now.
Rowan is happy, she gets her walks that distract her
from her tooth pain and keep her crying jags at bay.
The Pooch enjoys her walks and since she has been
driving me nuts since winter started for she hates
being all cooped up she is really diggen it. Poor
Rowan, the Pooch benefits from her discomfort! And
Me? Well there are million things I would rather do then
take 4 zillion walks a day but since it makes
the baby feel better I am going to do them and
the fact I now get to do them pain and hassle
free. WHAT A PLUS! Easy to use, Easy to love,
easy on your back. bECO! You guys will be seeing
a lot more from them for if they rest of their product
line is anything close to the quality and craftmen-
ship as the bECO Butterfly Baby Carrier I will be
camping out on their doorstep to they let me review
more! Two huge, pain free thumbs up here!
and the cold she has been suffering through she still perks
up whenever you get her outdoor gear ready. It is a little bit
chilly here in our fair state of Antartic,er, I mean Michigan but
sometimes that little girl is crying so hard or yanking at her
little ear and rubbing her jaw to the point of turning it red
that half of the day will go by without her being able to take
a nap or even give a hint of a crack of a smile. We feel so
bad for that little Baby baby but other then some Tylenol
there really isn't anything we can do for her. I have teething
tablets and teething rings and an whole assortment of items
in the freezer to all designed with the purpose of comforting
in her in mind and talk about throwing gas on a fire for all
it does is remind her she is in pain in the first place and
the screams just get louder. There is not a thing sadder to
me on this planet, or any parents I am sure, then to listen
to the cries of a child suffering. With RA in my spin and
the problems and pain I face there I can sympathize with
her and have often let my mind wander and have even
been on the edge with thoughts of giving her old fashion
remedies such as Whiskey on her gums. Now I know in
my head that is not helping her, just knocking her out
but I feel so desperate to see her calm and miss her
I found out about the walks by accident for one
really bad day for I had to go to an appointment and
had no choice but to take her and it just about broke
my heart to know her desperate wails would only get
louder once she was out of the comfort of her house
and she despises being in the car seat for Rowan is
such a busy little girl she has to see what is going on
at all times and the car seat limits her view to just
about nothing and worse yet, straps her in so she can't
even have the illusion of thinking she can work her
way to freedom. So now I was going to take a suffering
child and put her in his most detested position and
felt like such a failure as a parent for not being able
to help her, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to cancel
again but I had already canceled three times and John
was not here then so I had no choice. Even worse we
all know when a child cries they get all stuffed up and
can't breath after a while and when that child already
has a cold.................well let's just say I was suffering
almost as much as her. Now I am also a super Dunce
and had left her car seat out in the car and now had to
carry her out there and strap her in and couldn't even
get her all situated in the car seat first. UGH! Poor
little thing. I got all her gear on her as she screamed
the whole way and diaper bag and purse and shoved
as many teething rings and frozen items in there as
I could find and even double downed her with "No Throws
for one had a bottle and the other a teething ring for
I knew once we got moving I would no longer be able
to comfort her. I snatched her and with lots of kisses
and comforting words stepped out into the cold air.
The screaming baby stopped crying.
Okay, she is stunned by the cold. I took a look at her
and saw she is engrossed in the outdoors and looking
around intently through little swollen eyes. Hummmm..........
She was quiet the whole way to the car and almost
made it through the trip before she realized she was
unhappy and resumed her wails. Through the whole wait
and appointment she screamed and then once again
as soon as we got out side: Silence. Hummmmmmm
again. Again we made it almost all the way where we
were going before the screams resumed. When we got
home instead of going into the house I just dropped off
the diaper bag and took her for a walk through the condo
complex. Again silence. I walked her about 20 minutes
before my back gave me some warning pangs and was
so thankful that was enough for it allowed her the chance
to relax enough and when I brought her in she was soon
fast asleep. Later that day when she woke it wasn't long
before she started to fuss and soon the waterworks were
back in force. Another walk, Quiet. I could not believe
with all the medicinal items I had bought and the load
upon loads of teething items that cost a small fortune
all that is took to offer that little girl some much needed
relief was something she loved to distract her. Okay, Duh,
got it, I now have an answer and I should hang my head
in shame I had not found it a few weeks sooner and saved
her a lot of pain. We went out about five times that day
and each and every time Rowan was so engrossed in
the scenery she forgot her tender gums and for the first
night since I can remember she got some much needed
rest without tossing and turning and waking up crying.
The next morning my back was the one screaming
and throwing a fit and when Rowan started her little
hissy up again I almost wanted to join her.I knew I
could not carry her around all day again so I drug out
the stroller and thought she might like that.
No Dice! Again she was too far back like the car
seat and could not see enough and spent most of
the time struggling to get out and get a better view and
just ended up crying all the harder knowing she
couldn't. I started tossing things out of the closet like
a mad woman looking for her carrier. I found the accident
one I had stashed for with only a few months of Summer
before the cold weather set in I didn't yet purchase her
a new one and a Doo Dad I have had for eons would
have to do. Toss the baby in and ( a lot of added Bengay)
and was out the door and once again was rewarded with
the blissful sounds of silence. She could have cared
less that she was flopping around like a wet noodle
for this carrier was so old it was built before people
started taking things like Babies and Mommies
comfort into consideration and was pretty much a frame
with a seat you just tossed her in and could also only
be worn facing the front so all her weight was pulling
on my shoulders. Still, it was more comfortable then
just carrying her and though it didn't make my back feel
like singing like Julie Andrews, it also didn't have me
humming the death march so I would live.I decided on
the spot I was just going to have to find a carrier that
would have me whistling a happy tune for I know a
lot of advancements have been made since the days
I toted Andrew around in this Brontosaurus model.
That evening I sat down at the computer after she
dozed off and brought up my old friend Google and
typed in Baby Carrier.
49 pages.
Let me repeat that.
49 pages of baby carriers. When Andrew was a baby I
think my choices were red and black.
49 pages. How do I know what one is best for me and
how am I ever going to whittle down that monstrous
selection to a more manageable list. I went to a few forums
I belong too and a couple of Mothers groups and also
some local resources for Mom's I belong to and started
to ask around. A lot of times I got more questions then
answers for according to them I am supposed to be the
answer lady and not a whole lot of help. There were a few
people that told me about theirs and I started to grow a
list but it was a slow and steady road. Every day I would
suffer through my Smithsonian Carrier and every night
I would research the latest ones I had heard about during
my research. One name kept coming up over and over
again though, bECO and I was pretty sure I had not heard
of them when Andrew was little for I checked out their
site and their selection was more then just red and black.
I moved them to the top of the list and made a point to
ask people about them. I also sent a letter off to them
and a couple of others that had been mentioned more
then once but did not bank on that I was only asking these
people for more information and I had already been
researching carriers a few days and I don't think my
back could take much more of Rowan and I's repeated
treks to the wildness of the Detroit suburbs but for her
comfort I kept trudging along. I wanted to rush right out
and buy one but my research had me even more confused
for I learned some carriers are for Baby when little only,
some are for Baby Big only, some you wear in front, some
the back. Okay now, take something I am already confused
about and add a zillion more details to compound the
problem and make me more confused. My head was going
to explode I just knew it. I jotted those questions down
and went to bed for my vision was already blurry from
just going over the list of available carriers on the market.
Did I tell you there were 49 pages of carriers?
The next morning I got up and as Rowan smeared Oat
meal on her face I grabbed a cup of Coffee and checked
my emails. There was already an email from bECO.
That was fast.
They had answers to a lot of my questions and I was
relieved a sales pitch didn't come with it. The person
answered them in an unbiased way and gave me "just
the facts, Mam" and I can now at least say I am fully
informed on the different variety's and styles and I
am no longer confused on that count. I also have to say
they were fabulous in the customer service department
for we shot about 10 emails back and forth and yeah, I
know I ramble, isn't that why I Blog? and I can be a pain
with my questions and not once did they loose their
patience or refer me to a FAQ guide somewhere or
get even the slightest bit testy even though we all
know Michelle has more then one blond moment and
can be as big as handful as Rowan sometimes and
a total pain in the you know where! They never even
questioned why I needed the information and I even
did pretty good without telling them the life story of
the blog I usually ramble on about until the persons
brain turns to mush from my exaggerated details
and long winded tangents. Towards then end I felt
I have to tell them ( see, I did good, I have a blog is
usually the second thing I tell a person when I meet
them) and they were very kind about that and said they
would be happy to pass my information to someone
in a department that handles reviews and such and
I thought sure, then rolled my Internet eyes for please,
I have heard that before. After lunch I walked Rowan
and put her down for a nap and again hit the emails.
Another person from bECO had sent me one.
Eh, Déjà vu here. Wow, they were fast. I had
yet to hear anything from any of the other manufactures
and as it stands at that moment I was pretty confidant
bECO put the service in customer service. I don't care
if they were selling a product that was only good for
doubling the amount of earwax you have their customer
service was so spectacular I would have bought it for
that reason alone. This person was even nicer then the
last, if that was all passable and said he would be happy
to send me an item to review and explain their line
more fully and answer any questions I could come up
with. I was pretty close to climbing up on that hill with
Julie Andrews about now but had yet to even see the
carrier. Then he said once I got it he would also be glad
to answer any questions I might have. Now there I laughed
out loud for I almost felt bad for the guy for he really
doesn't know me and 7,000 questions could go by without
me even making a dent in my list. We set something up
and I figured I had a couple of week wait and could not
wait that long with Rowan and my back so I kept up
with my research. Besides, I told you guys I would give
you all the facts, not just one set. I sent some more
letters and took a break for it was Friday night and
Michelle needed one. I did however, spend some time
on Saturday and again on Sunday checking out a
couple of carriers my friends had and I will tell you
about them more later but let's just say they were
nothing to call Mom about and my back was still
pretty cramped up come the following morning and
Julie Andrews was talking retirement for a moment
Monday Morning came and the weekend was pretty
much a blur of me walking Rowan who's second tooth
is ready to break through any day now and rubbing on
Bengay. Mail was early and I hobbled out to grab it and
the stack of boxes that was there and about 3 boxes into
it was the bECO carrier. Um, wow. Wait, that didn't get as
much enthusiasm as it deserved, UM, WOW!!!!!! A we had
Friday where I spoke to them. Saturday. Sunday and no
mail and first thing Monday morning they were there.
WOW! I opened the box and giggled for this was such an
adorable design. I mean I had seen their styles on the site
and was impressed but you never really get the feel for
something until you see it in person. Their pattern designs
are sort of those universal boy/girl designs that are
bright and whimsical and colorful and just make you
smile when you see them. Something you would associate
happy thoughts with. I can't answer for a Baby but it
was cute enough to put a smile on my face just looking
at it and if someone were tossing me in it for a walk
I would be giddy with the fashion statement it made alone.
I was also eager to read the brochure and see what size
it was and how long I could use it before I had to buy
a bigger one and also if it was a front design or back
design for though I got all those answers from bECO
about what carriers offer now a days and what the
different styles were I was so happy a real person
was helping we with my quest I forgot to ask what kind
were theirs? Digging in the box a DVD popped out. Now
there was an instruction book there too but a video?
How cool is that?
I know any of you guys with children know what a
pain in the butt it is to read instructions for something
when you have an Infant or Toddler wanting to use it
now. Worse yet, something like a car seat and its 5 point
safety UHG! belts were you are trying to get JR in it and
read a book at the same time and you are getting frustrated
and they are grabbing the book and you need it back
and then they cry and then YOU cry and every ones in
tears and you still don't know how to hook it up. Well
these guys must have kids for the DVD is a complete
set of instructions that you can watch as you are tucking
JR in and let them eat the book. You don't really need it
anyway! They were just kind enough to cover all your
bases. Now I set that aside for I wanted those details
I told you about and they already had two plus's on the good
side and I didn't want to see just how hard it would be
to get her in just yet for the old one is like an Iron
Maiden and a pain in the butt. I was pretty shocked
when I found my details. Lemme' share.
1. newborn to toddler, 7-45 lbs. Ah, that means I will not
need another one for this will last Rowan to she is too
old to carry. Rachel is 12 and 50 pounds and I really
doubt she wants us to cart her in a carrier so if Rowan
grows the same way I think we are good there!
2. front and back carry. Ah, again. Only need one. I don't
have to worry if she likes to ride on the back or front
for they have both options covered there too! I can also
find out what one is better for my back without dropping
a wad of cash with different models for this "IS" different
models all rolled into one!
3. easy On and OFF features. THANK GOD! I am so easily
frustrated and Rowan is such a wiggler that getting her in
her Jammie's is often about as much as I can handle.
4. high quality tested materials. Will they pass the Michelle
Test. Well, stage one they blew through for I have pulled,
yanked and did everything but tap dance on this. I will
get back to you about how well it holds up in the wash
for right now I just can't stop using it long enough to wash!
5. machine washable. I am laughing to the point of tears
here for don't I tell you guys I wash everything, if
it is supposed to be washed or not for the simple fact
in real life at my house it will end up there sooner or
later and I like to know right away and get it over with..
Here they just made it for people like me at the start
and I don't have to worry!
It also has a lot of neat features that make it an
even better value then it already was. As if they could!
Well I guess they could for they did! They give you an
infant insert to make sure when Baby is little they
are all snug and comfy. Safety Buckles to make sure
Miss Houdini doesn't make a break for it or I lean too
far one way and she goes plop! A fold down head support.
Hey, I wish I had such comfort! You can even remove the
head rest. This neat little inside panel that makes it
really easy to transfer baby to another person. Now that
is neat. If I had another I could switch back from John
and I without missing a beat! A storage sleeve for stuff
all us Moms and Dads need on those walks! AND the
items I saved for last. The ones that are super important
for me. Wide padded Shoulder Straps so the pull of her
weight doesn't drag down on me and irritate my back
more then it already is and a Wide Padded Waist Belt
for Lumbar Support. These are super important for
even though my back does not hurt as bad with the
carrier I am using now in comparison to just holding
her it still aches a lot in the morning. Also, you guys
would think my minor aches ARE really bad for my
back hurts 24-7 and gets worse every year and I have
just grown used to it. It would have only been a few more
weeks before I would have has to stop using the carrier
for the strain was getting a little worse each day. I normally
wake up uncomfortable and on a scale of 1-10 my pain
level is around a 4 for I sleep with a Patch that releases
medicine into my spine all night long and since Rowan
and my walks I have been waking up at a 7 or 8. The day
I just carried her I woke up at a 10 the next morning and
had to take a hot shower, Bengay, medication and a heating
pad to just make it down the stairs. It was not pleasant but
that is one of the reasons I was over excited when I saw the
Shoulder Pads and Lumbar Support. With my Rheumatoid
Arthritis being as advanced as it is I can have a pretty
rocky road if I do not pay attention to those details. I
was just crossing my fingers that it would work.
Now I got this yesterday first thing in the morning and
have taken Rowan on 6 walks. One for quiet a ways too.
Rowan and the Pooch love product tests like that for
they get the perks and I get the work! I did not lather up
with extra Bengay or sleep on the heating pad like
I have been since I started our walks for I really wanted
to know how good the support was.
I have been up for a few hours now but let me tell you
when I first woke up.............well, let me put it to
you this way!
The Hills are Alive with Music!!!!!!!!!!
And folks, Julie Andrews has not left the building
because I still feel great and if their support can
help a person like me I know it can keep people
without issues in tip top shape. Every single thing
about the bECO carrier was perfect and I just love
the thing and best of all the perks for me. Yeah, yeah,
there is that long list of goodies that come standard
with their Butterfly but let's talk about me right now.
Rowan is happy, she gets her walks that distract her
from her tooth pain and keep her crying jags at bay.
The Pooch enjoys her walks and since she has been
driving me nuts since winter started for she hates
being all cooped up she is really diggen it. Poor
Rowan, the Pooch benefits from her discomfort! And
Me? Well there are million things I would rather do then
take 4 zillion walks a day but since it makes
the baby feel better I am going to do them and
the fact I now get to do them pain and hassle
free. WHAT A PLUS! Easy to use, Easy to love,
easy on your back. bECO! You guys will be seeing
a lot more from them for if they rest of their product
line is anything close to the quality and craftmen-
ship as the bECO Butterfly Baby Carrier I will be
camping out on their doorstep to they let me review
more! Two huge, pain free thumbs up here!
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