Okay you guys, I am back now. I have shaken
off the blues and pulled up my pants and I am
getting on with my life. I am not saying that I
won't have my moments when I want to crawl under
the covers but if I have learned one thing it is the
last month has made me stronger. I am determined
to not dwell on all that has happened and I am
back to looking at the Sunshine and plan on
enjoying the season and my children. For those
of you who do not know the last four weeks has
provided me with tons of excitement and a lot of
stress. In the last month I have dealt with:
2 Surgeries for my Mother
11 teeth for Rowan
A 2 week long super Virus that effected all members
of the house and though Andrew only spent a few
days in bed and I got a day ( needed more but such
is the world of a parent!) Rowan ended up in the
ER due to vomiting.
John and I separating and last but not least this
week I had a Minor out patient Surgery to help repair
the damage and to sever the nerves in my neck from
the back injury I sustained last Fall when my front step
crumbled and I fell flat on my back and cracked my head
while holding Rowan who was 3 months at the time.
I spent a few days wishing the world would go away
but Rowan and Andrew have been great and my Mother
has also been there for me as well as my Sons Dad.
Things are starting to work themselves out and John and
I are speaking and I hope things go his way for I know
with the economy a lot of people are having the same
problems as he and separating was a very hard decision
for me but I need to make sure the kids are okay first
and worry about him after that. I did my wallowing and
hand holding and yes, spent some time hugging the
potty with that Flu but life goes on and so will I, John,
the Kids and the Blog. About time too!
Tomorrow is another day and it will be brighter!
Right now I posted a review and have many more
just about ready, pre-spell check for hey, Michelle can
not spell a thing on her own, and this weekend I will
be up-to-date with the winners list and have many
more contests posted. I know you guys have to be
waiting on pins and needles and truth is, so am I!
I love to see people happy and it cheers me up via
proxy! Lets get cracken'!
Here's some pic's of our Holidays!
Rowan at Nana's with my Mom's Dog!

Boo at home hating the fact she does not get along with my Mom's Dog!
Andrew feeling much better and wondering where the
Easter Ham is!
Rowan not happy at all with Mom putting
Bunny Ears on her!
Rowan when she realizes that Bunny Ears mean
the Easter Bunny and Candy!
Boo Realizing that the Candy is mostly
Chocolate and she does not
get any!
Rowan surrounded by Easter
I hope your Holidays went well and let's all
have a blast this Summer!