Saturday 11-21-09
Date: 11/21/2009
Stress Level: very low
New Grey hairs added: 0
Not being a school day I got to sleep
a little later then normal since Rowan was
up late the night before. When I say sleep in
I mean to the grand old hour of 7 or so. I
had a couple of things to do today and
lazing in bed any longer would just make
me more attached to my pillows so instead
of having John grab the baby and going
back to bed I got up and got ready.
We hit the grocery store and sorta
have a tradition of getting either carry
out, some sort of pre-cooked dealeo
or just plain going out to eat when Andy
is gone for the weekend but this day we
went with the pre-cooked TV dinner job.
Stouffer's rocks with their Vegi Lasagna and
that is what we get most often but this time
we tried the 5 cheese. Not as good but hey,
I didn't have to cook. I also grabbed a pre-
made salad and tried to coax John into eating
some. No go! So I thought. I just went for
a midnight snack and that man stole all
the cheese off the salad. * Note to self,
dig shallow grave.
We also got Rowan pictures!!!!!
They are so darn cute! I also learned
a valuable lesson. Don't buy the big pack
at Sears. I ordered a lot and though I love
them when I went to pick them up they
also pulled out like 6 really nice pictures
and let me know they took the liberty of
printing these ones up for me and I could
have them all for 25 bucks. Trust me, it
was a great deal but what ticked me off
is those same pictures would have cost
over 100 had I ordered them on picture
day and now I could have them for 25.
If I would have known I would have bought
a smaller pack and then just got those.
PFFFFTTTTT!!! Sales people.
I have also been getting phone calls
on my cell from the national guard.
Now I am sure it isn't them for What
would the National Guard want with
a 40 year old woman or her 43 year
old Husband and I never talked to them
I just keep getting the messages on
voice-mail. This has got to be some
new sort of scam going around for
I Googled it and lots of people are complaining
so be on the lookout.
I spent the afternoon happily wrapping
my photos in the frames I bought and sticking
them under the tree. I love pictures and would have
a zillion if I had the room and frames didn't cost as
much as diamond earring's anymore. Wow, have you
priced them as of late?
The mail brought product reviews of Wee Squeak
new Beibi Shoes for Rowan and Rockin' Green
Laundry Detergent, also for that baby. YEAH! Also
my friend from OLS sent me a box of hand me downs
from her kids and I fell in love with some of the items,
a dress most of all. Rowan will have to grow into it but
it is the cutest. If you ever get to OLS look I want to
tell you Pick my Nick is the best member there ever
and she has never forgot my son or now my daughter
in all the years I have been a member. She just rocks
and I can't ever thank her enough.
My hometown friend and I also spoke today for
she is just back from a trip up north for they were
supposed to close on her new house this Monday
and were once again put off. It has been a month or
more now they keep setting the date back on her and
she is starting to feel the strain. Hold on sister, it
will be over soon and I will laugh when you are
surrounded with boxes and not enough time to put
it all away.
That's about it for me, I really wish I had some Swiss
Cheese but I am sure I will forget John ate it all as
I am out diggen a hole in the garden. How deep do you
have to dig for something 6 foot.............ahhhhhh,
never mind.
Moral of the Day: Always order a small pack of pictures
for you can get more later. SOMETIMES REALLY CHEAP!!
November 22, 2009 at 3:38 PM
It's because they both have the best momma in the whole world. Hugs and kisses to you all.
PS Thank you so much for the compliments. They mean the world to me.