Monday, November 17, 1997
Look whats new! Look whats fresh! Look what is coming your way!
Make sure to enter all of the contests I have running right now. There are so many I could never list them all. To get to the other contests please use the blog archive links on the side of the page. Don't forget to click on 2009 too, some are Active. You can also use
the link to all contests button on the side.
New Link To All Contests on The Side, one stop Shopping!
Port a Pong and the Jewel Basket are both Our contests of the day!! Get an extra entry daily EACH in any contest by entering them and by posting you read it in the header! You must enter Port a Pong Daily first to get a bonus entry!
Don't Forget to Check Back for New Contests, Book and Product Reviews and to see the Coming soon boxes filled in!
New Book Reviews have just been Posted!
Keep your eyes out for the new product reviews we have coming in the next week or so. Also look out for the new safety link! I am going to launch it with many reviews and giveaways! First is a Mommy I'm Here review, as busy as Rowan is I think I am going to need it. Do you know this lets you know when your child is too far or lost? Will it slow Rowan down who just found out how to escape her high chair?
We will see!
JUST IN~I have added Top Ten list's for Rowan and My Self and they are there to make your shopping a little more easy! If you are looking for a gift or something for yourself and want to know a great place to shop or what to buy Jr. check out the
list, I have you covered! There is also a new safety
guide for some great ideas and products for your
home and to keep your family safe.
There is also a Easter Gift Guide with all your needs!
MAKE SURE TO KEEP UP WITH THE LOOK WHAT'S NEW LINK ON THE SIDE FOR SOMETHING NEW IS ALWAYS IN THE WORKS! I have lots of contests and product reviews planned and I list everything there.
Have you Checked this weeks Recipe?
Yum, Yum, Yum!
If there is something you guys want to see leave it in feed back or feel free to email anytime!
Brand New Fast Travel
Need to get somewhere fast? Just click here!
All Contest Listings
Look What Is New!
Winners List
Picture I used on cards

Rowan with soap hair