Tips for winter dry skin
If your like me Winter is the dreaded season
of dry skin, chapped lips and sinuses that scream
for moisture. In runs in my family too for I cringe
when I see my son wear anything short sleeved from
October to May for his elbows get so dry and cracked
I am waiting for a hoard of Alligators to knock on my
front door and call for their leader. I beg him to use
lotion but he is a "Manly" boy and refuses to put
anything on that he might find on my shelf in the
So how can I help him and me? How can I stop
the sure to be busting down my door stampede of
Alligator's? ( they live in the sewers ya know!)
Well I did a little diggen and came up with these
tips to help you if you too might have some long
lost reptile relatives in your family or living under
your own roof for that matter.The first thing I
discovered is that the winter stinks for those
of us prone to dry skin. The Humidity level,
the cold air and blowing wind and that beast
that costs us a fortune to run and heats our
house are all offenders on the list. If you
don't live in a rain forest, dry skin is going
to be an issue! How do we cope? Here is
some tips I found.
1. Don't take hot showers, take luke warm.
I know it is tempting to jump into a hot
shower on a cold winter day but hot water
is the enemy. It drys out your skin and robs
it of needed moisture.
2. Exfoliate! Scrub scrub scrub and scrub
that dead skin away. It will keep your skin
fresh and your moisturizer will work better.
Why buy and apply if you are not going to
do it right?
3. Skip the soaps! Not ewwwe Gross I feel
so dirty but go for the creamy cleansers
4. Don't lick your lips, use product. Licking
them only drys them out more!
5. Try Fish oil pills and make sure you drink
your water. Don't go overboard. The age old
8 glasses a day credo works just fine!
Hope this helps you guys, stay smooth and
stay soft!
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